Background In this scholarly study, we established a hypothetical tumor-lodds-metastasis (TLM) and tumor-ratio-metastasis (TRM) staging system. patients in different LODDS classifications for each pN or LNR groups. When stratified by the LODDS classifications, the prognosis was highly homologous between those in the according 928659-70-5 IC50 pN or LNR classifications. Multivariate analysis showed that TLM staging system was better than the TRM or TNM system for the prognostic evaluation. Conclusions The TLM system was superior to the TRM or TNM system for prognostic assessment of gastric adenocarcinoma patients after 928659-70-5 IC50 D2 resection. Introduction Approximately one million people are diagnosed each year with gastric cancer, making it the fourth most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer related death worldwide with an estimated 800,000 deaths caused by the disease [1]. The incidence of gastric cancer varies widely according to geographic 928659-70-5 IC50 region and is particularly common in Asia [2]. Until now the prognosis for gastric adenocarcinoma patients stays poor and Tumor-Node-Metastasis (TNM) staging system has been proved to be a prognostic factor which can effectively predict the prognosis of gastric adenocarcinoma patients [3]. From January 1, 2010 on, the most recent revision of American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM stage for carcinoma of gastric (the 7th edition) was put into use [4]. Our previous study has shown that the 7th edition of AJCC TNM staging system was more reasonable compared with the AJCC 6th system in predicting the survival of gastric cancer patients to a certain degree [5]. However, some authors pointed out that the value of the latest number-based pN classification in the AJCC TNM staging system was affected by the number of lymph nodes retrieved [6]C[13]. A new ratio-based lymph nodes system (rN) has been proposed, which was defined as the ratio of the metastatic lymph nodes and the total number of retrieved lymph nodes after the resection. Recently, some studies has indicated that this TRM (Tumor-Ratio-Metastasis) staging system can be an alternative to the traditional TNM staging system [14]. However, some authors concerned that almost half of the Asian patients would not benefit from the ratio-based classification system since the definition of 928659-70-5 IC50 the rN0 classification was congruent with the pN0 classification [13]. Log odds of positive lymph nodes (LODDS), is usually defined as the log of the ratio between numbers of positive lymph nodes and the numbers of unfavorable lymph nodes. To avoid singularity, 0.5 is usually added to both the numbers of positive lymph nodes and negative lymph nodes, log, in which the pnod is the number of positive lymph nodes and tnod means the total number of lymph nodes retrieved [15]. Sun et al. studied 2,547 gastric cancer patients and concluded that the LODDS system was more reliable than the Union Internationale Contre le Cancer (UICC) and AJCC pN system and the rN system for prognostic assessment [13]. Till now, there is no study focus on the prognostic significance of the tumor-lodds-metastasis (TLM) stage system for gastric cancer patients after D2 resection. The aim of our study is usually to compare the TLM, tumor-ratio-metastasis (TRM) and the 7th AJCC TNM staging system in prognostic assessment for carcinoma of the gastric after D2 resection in China. Results Patient demographics The median age of the 730 patients was 60 years (range 24C83 years). Among them, 522 were male and 208 were female. The overall 5-12 months survival for the whole group of patients was 55.4%, with median survival of 78.0 months. The median follow-up for the entire cohort was 48.0 months (range 3.0C175.0 months). The characteristics of the 730 gastric adenocarcinoma patients and the effect of clinical features on survival were summarized in Table 1. The total number of dissected lymph nodes was 12374, with an average of 17.011.4 (meanss.d.) dissected nodes per case (median 16.0, range 0C72). The mean number of metastatic nodes was 7.85.0 (median 4, range 0C70) in the overall series and 9.77.6 (median 7, range 1C70) in lymph nodes positive patients. The number of excised lymph nodes was less than 15 in 21.6% of patients who received resection. Table 1 Demographics and univariate survival analysis results of the 730 gastric 928659-70-5 IC50 carcinoma patients. The classification of rN and LODDS intervals Table 2 listed the patient numbers and the 5-12 months survival rates of different groups according to the value of rN with an interval of 0.1 (ranging from 0 to 1 1.0). As shown, Rabbit Polyclonal to KR2_VZVD 4 groups were identified by combining patients with comparable prognosis. Accordingly, a novel N classification, rN classification was established: R0.