Background: Pneumatic tube system (PTS) is commonly found in hospital settings to move blood samples to diagnostic laboratories. PTS was below the suggested guidelines. Delivery from the bloodstream unit to the incorrect train station, hand bags laying unattended in the destination were several nagging issues that needed to be addressed. To conclude, although PTS can be a safe method of transporting blood products with reduction in the turn-around-time, it must be validated before use. 0.05 was considered to Prostaglandin E1 biological activity be statistically significant. Results Results of each of the parameters, Hb, plasma Hb, potassium and LDH for both the categories, were compared before and after transportation through PTS [Tables ?[Tables1,1, ?,2,2, ?,4,4, ?,5].5]. The value, which was determined using thea paired evaluated the effect of PTS induced hemolysis on clinical biochemistry samples and found plain serum samples more susceptible to hemolysis than the other sample types.[6] In the literature, studies on the use of PTS for transportation of blood components are limited, and no adverse effects on the component quality have been observed. Hellkamp found no deterioration in quality of PRBC units subjected to PTS transport.[7] In a similar study Prostaglandin E1 biological activity by Prostaglandin E1 biological activity Liebscher They found that post PTS transport, quality parameters of these blood components were within the normal reference range.[9] Sandgren studied the effect of pneumatic tube transport on fresh and stored platelets in additive solution. No CDKN1A adverse effects on the platelet quality were observed.[10] Hardin in their study of transportation of 14 units of AS-1 RBCs by PTS, found negligible hemolysis and also found it to be time and labor saving.[11] Tiwari in their study evaluated whether the speed of sample transportation through PTS affected the degree of hemolysis. They found that LDH was elevated in PTS arm in the short distance and high speed phase and in the long distance and high speed phase, all three indices of hemolysis-Hb, K+ and LDH-showed elevation in the PTS arm. However, at short distance and slow speed phase, there was no hemolysis in the PTS arm.[12] In the present study, PRBC units were assessed for hemolysis after transportation through the PTS. We also included irradiated PRBC units, as many of the PRBC units issued are irradiated this being an oncology center, and it is known that irradiation can potentiate potassium leak across the red cell membrane.[13] However, zero evidence was found by all of us of any upsurge in hemolysis in the irradiated PRBC products put through PTS transportation, and the guidelines for hemolysis had been much like those for the nonirradiated PRBC products. Our research highlighted certain useful problems, which necessary to be addressed before we’re able to implement the machine routinely. These included delivery from the bloodstream unit to the incorrect train station, hand bags stuck in hand bags and transit laying unattended in the destination. Each one of these problems separately needed to be addressed. The Biomedical staff keeping the PTS helped resolve a number of the presssing issues. The nursing staff in your day and wards care center was sensitized for safe transfusion practices. Emphasis was laid on managing of the bloodstream bags in the getting train station as there may be deterioration in debt cell quality if the bloodstream bag is situated unattended (from the refrigerator) for a lot more than ? h. Furthermore, the Blood loan company staff needed to be qualified for appropriate packing of the blood bag into the canister and timely coordination with the delivery station staff. Besides a standard operating procedure describing the protocol for requesting and receiving blood components via PTS has also been framed. Hospitals that use PTS for delivery of blood components like the Massachusetts General Hospital have their own PTS guidelines.[14] The speed of the PTS is usually 6 m/s, and the distance from the blood bank to various delivery stations ranged from 10 m to 665 m. Hence, Prostaglandin E1 biological activity the transit time through the PTS ranged from 1.6 s to 1 1 min 50 s. Human courier is normally used in our hospital to transport units within the hospital premises using insulated transport boxes. In contrast to PTS, blood units that were transported by HC, took around 5 to 10 min depending on the distance of the ward through the bloodstream bank. Sometimes, the HC would end over at various other place for another errand leading.