This shown that, contrary to InlA, which targets almost exclusively goblet cells in E16P KI mice (82%), InlAm preferentially targets villous M cells (56%) in wt mice, and to a lower degree goblet cells (34%) (p<0.001, 2 test analysis) (Figure 5D). antibody, WGA and nuclei after cells permeabilization. Projection of a 30 m solid reconstructed intestinal villus (A) and one xy aircraft (B) are demonstrated. Right panels show separated channels and merge of boxed areas in (B), showing Ncad within the apical part of NKM 16-2-4-positive cells. See also S7. NKM 16-2-4 antibody is definitely a monoclonal antibody raised against (1,2) fucose moiety in absence of neighboring sialic acids, a specific marker on M cells surface. WGA was used to stain the mucus of goblet cells and cell membrane. Scale pub, 20 m.(PDF) ppat.1003381.s003.pdf (632K) GUID:?91DF0FBE-EA08-46E5-BFA4-0D66FFFC066A Number S4: or at 5 hr post infection. The intestinal cells were fixed. Vibratome sections were stained with WGA for goblet cells, NKM 16-2-4 monoclonal antibody for M cells, and for bacteria and nuclei. (A and B) The confocal Z-plane of an ileal villus from infected wt mice demonstrates that was able to target goblet cells (A, observe also Number S5A and Movie S5) and villous M cells (B, see also Figure S5B, and Movie S6). Right panels show separated channels and merge of boxed areas, showing the location of bacteria in villous epithelia. (C) The confocal Z-plane of an ileal villus from infected E16P KI mouse demonstrates targeted goblet cells (observe also Number S5C and Movie S7). (D) Relative location of bacteria in mice intestinal epithelia of villi is definitely shown. The total quantity of in wt mice intestinal villi epithelia was arranged to 100. 20 villi from two mice ileal loops were counted in each arranged. Scale pub, 20 m.(PDF) ppat.1003381.s004.pdf (756K) GUID:?05314289-5940-497C-8E45-DFCF785B6AF3 Number S5: Intracellular location of bacteria targeting goblet and villous M cells, related to Number 5 . Orthogonal views of the infected VCA-2 cells in L-Cycloserine wt mice infected with (A and B, related to Numbers S4A and B, respectively) and in E16P L-Cycloserine KI mice infected by (C, related to Number S4C) offered in Number S5 were demonstrated. These images demonstrate that the bacteria highlighted in the Number S4 were intracelullar. See also Movies S5, S6 and S7.(PDF) ppat.1003381.s005.pdf (106K) GUID:?0E1F43EB-8AB1-4AB1-AB5B-797617199968 Figure S6: or at 5 hr post infection. The intestinal cells were fixed. Vibratome sections were stained with WGA for goblet cells, NKM 16-2-4 monoclonal antibody for M cells, and for bacteria and nuclei. Results demonstrated are two different confocal Z-planes of an ileal villus from infected wt mice. was found out to attach to the apical pole of villous M cell in the top panel and reach the lamina propria in the lower panel. Scale pub, 20 m.(PDF) ppat.1003381.s006.pdf (538K) GUID:?55CF414C-76C1-4CE3-8A2D-FEFA20BE8E31 Number S7: Respective invasive potential of test.(PDF) ppat.1003381.s007.pdf (322K) GUID:?75BA5E0D-07A5-4580-B7E8-D003A2556222 Number S8: and 24 hr (A to C) or 48 hr (D) post infection. (A) Anti-Ly6G antibody staining indicates neutrophils (reddish, highlighted from the open arrowheads). Tissues were stained for (green, highlighted from the arrows) and counterstained with WGA (gray) for goblet cells and epithelia. Level pub, 20 m. (B) No obvious difference on neutrophil figures was observed between and illness in hEcad Tg mice, whereas illness induced neutrophil infiltration in L-Cycloserine the intestinal villi compared to in both E16P KI and hEcad Tg mice. (C) The number of bacteria in each infected villus was also quantified. Bacteria weight of in the intestinal villi was higher than that of in both E16P KI and hEcad Tg mice upon oral illness 24 hpi. In order L-Cycloserine to compare the result of with in E16P KI mice, the data of test (n?=?20 villi from 2 mice). (D) Biotin was injected into ileum loop followed by PBS wash.