Several research revealed that low calcium intake relates to high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases such as for example hypertension. or much less DBP). The hypertension group consumed 360.5 mg calcium each day, which was less than that of the normotension group (429.9 mg) however, not showing factor. In the hypertension group, DBP got a significant adverse correlation with plant calcium ( 0.01) after adjusting for age group, gender, body mass index (BMI), and energy intake. In the normotension group, total calcium and pet calcium consumption were considerably and positively correlated with serum triglycerides. No significant romantic relationship was discovered between calcium consumption and bloodstream/urine oxidative tension indices in both organizations. General, these data recommend reconsideration of meals resources for calcium usage in general management of the blood circulation pressure or bloodstream lipid profiles in both hypertensive and normotensive topics. 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Outcomes General features The general features of the hypertension group and the normotension group are shown in Desk 1. There have been no significant variations in age, elevation, and pounds between your hypertension and normotension organizations; nevertheless, the hypertension group got considerably higher BMI ( 0.001), SBP ( 0.001), and DBP ( 0.001) compared to the normotension group. Desk 1 Anthropometric measurements of the topics Open in another home window Nutlin 3a tyrosianse inhibitor Data are shown as suggest SD. NS, not really significant. 1)Significance between hypertensive and normotensive topics. 2)F-worth by 2-check. Energy, selective nutrition, and calcium intakes Energy and selective nutrient intake of the topics is demonstrated in Desk 2. The common daily energy intake was 1,493.7 kcal for the hypertension group and 1,602.0 kcal for the normotension group without displaying a big change between two organizations. The hypertension group consumed 360.5 mg calcium each day, which was less than that of the normotension group (429.9 mg), but there is no factor. The percentage of Rabbit polyclonal to PITPNC1 individuals who consumed calcium significantly less than Hearing for Koreans was higher in the hypertension group (85.5%) weighed against that Nutlin 3a tyrosianse inhibitor in the normotension group (79.5%) but without statistical difference between your two organizations. Also, the mean daily intake of pet calcium and plant calcium, the calcium intake per 1,000 kcal, and the calcium percentage for Suggested Consumption (RI) tended to become reduced the hypertension group (Table 3). Desk 2 Daily energy and nutrient intakes of the topics Open in a separate window Data are presented as mean SD. 1)Significance between hypertensive and normotensive subjects. 2)F-value by 2-test. Table 3 Daily calcium intake status of the subjects Open in a separate window Data are presented as mean SD. NS, not significant; EAR, estimated average requirement; UL, tolerable upper intake level. 1)Significance between Nutlin 3a tyrosianse inhibitor hypertensive and normotensive subjects. 2)F-value by 2-test. Food group intake status Food intake from different food groups is shown in Table 4. The total daily food intake was 993.0 g for the hypertension group and 1,117.2 g for the normotension group, not showing a significant difference. The intakes of sugar/sweeteners and seasonings were significantly higher in the normotension group, while the intake of mushrooms was higher in the hypertension group. Except for these three food groups, no significant difference was found in consumption of the other food groups between the hypertension and normotension groups. Table 4 Daily food intakes from each food group of the subjects Open in a separate window Data are presented as mean SD. 1)Significance between hypertensive and normotensive subjects. Biochemical indices in blood and urine Biochemical indices in blood and urine of the subjects are referred to in Nutlin 3a tyrosianse inhibitor Desk 5. No factor was within bloodstream and urine biochemical indices between Nutlin 3a tyrosianse inhibitor your hypertension and normotension groupings. Desk 5 Biochemical indices in bloodstream and urine of the topics Open in another home window Data are shown as suggest SD. NS, not really significant. 1)Significance between hypertensive and normotensive topics. Correlation between calcium intake, and blood circulation pressure and biochemical indices Desk 6 displays the correlation between blood circulation pressure and nutrient intake in both groupings after adjusting for age group, gender, BMI, and energy intake. In the hypertension group, DBP got a significant harmful correlation with plant fats ( 0.05) and plant calcium ( 0.01). In the normotension group, nevertheless, no significant correlation was discovered between blood circulation pressure and nutrient consumption. Desk 6 Correlations between blood circulation pressure and nutrient intakes altered for age group, sex, BMI, and energy intake of the topics Open in another home window Variables data are shown as Pearson’s correlation coefficient. * 0.05; ** 0.01. The correlations between biochemical indices and nutrient intake after adjusting for.