Objective It is well documented that injection drug users (IDUs) have a high prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV). 57% at each site, with an overall prevalence of 51% (451/887). Of 1 1,699 non-IDU MSM, 26 (1.5%) tested anti-HCV positive, compared with 126 (3.6%) of 3,455 other non-IDU men (prevalence ratio 0.42, 95% confidence interval 0.28, 0.64). Conclusion The low prevalence of anti-HCV among non-IDU MSM in urban public health clinics does not support routine HCV testing of all MSM. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the most common chronic blood-borne virus infection in the United States, with an estimated 3.2 to 4 million people infected chronically.1,2 Huge or repeated percutaneous exposures to bloodstream such as for example through transfusion Dabrafenib from unscreened donors or shot medication use have already been the main sources of disease. Sexual transmission happens, but is apparently inefficient weighed against additional transmitted infections sexually.3 Multiple research posted in the 1990s show that men who’ve sex with men (MSM) with out a history of injection medication use who have emerged in std (STD) clinics or human being immunodeficiency disease (HIV) guidance and tests sites (CTS) possess a prevalence of antibody to HCV (anti-HCV) that’s no greater than additional men who refuse injection medication use in these settings, or adult men in the overall population.4C7 Recently, similar results were reported among non-injection drug user (non-IDU) MSM observed in an STD clinic in San Diego8 and among Dabrafenib a big cohort of MSM recruited for an HIV transmission study in Canada.9 The Centers for Disease Control and Avoidance (CDC) recommends that folks at increased risk for HCV infection be identified and offered counseling and testing.5 Such people consist of people that have a higher prevalence of infection generally, such as for example injection drug users (IDUs). Because non-IDU MSM without additional known risk elements for HCV disease aren’t at improved risk, HCV tests isn’t suggested regularly for this population. Recent reports of increased HCV infection among HIV-positive non-IDU MSM have again raised concerns of sexual transmission of HCV. Consequently, some health-care providers and MSM advocates believe that all MSM should be tested routinely for HCV infection. 10C13 To further examine this issue, we compared anti-HCV prevalence between non-IDU MSM clients and other non-IDU male clients in selected STD clinics and HIV CTS in three large cities. METHODS HCV counseling and testing was offered in selected STD clinics and HIV CTS in San Diego, New York City Dabrafenib (NYC), and Seattle/King County (SKC), Washington, as part of efforts to integrate viral hepatitis prevention services into public health clinics serving people at high risk for infection.14,15 Hepatitis services, including testing and vaccination, were offered to all clients initially as part of routine clinic services, and data were collected on all clients as part of routine STD or HIV clinic protocol. During the CDC Institutional Rabbit Polyclonal to SMUG1. Review Board and human subjects review process, these services and the data collected for this study were determined to be part of program implementation and evaluation, and specific informed consent was not required by clients. From 1999C2003, all people seeking services in these settings were offered HCV counseling and testing for varying time periods. Risk behavior information, collected through interviews and self-administered questionnaires, included sexual and IDU history, as well.